Sunday, September 1, 2013


Greetings and welcome to my EDTECH Learning Log!

My name is Erica Fuhry, and I am just beginning my journey in Boise State University's Master of Educational Technology program.  Thank you visiting this website and viewing the artifacts and reflections I have posted throughout my experience.  I appreciate your feedback as I work to improve my technology skills and learn more about role of technology in the 21st century classroom.

I currently live in Bermuda where I most recently served as a Computer Studies teacher for grades 6-12 in a private school using the Alberta curriculum. Prior to that I have taught elementary music and a combined class of grade 1&2 boys.  Before moving to Bermuda, I worked at two international schools in Venezuela teaching middle school math and science and grades 2 and 3.  I attended the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and my student teaching experience was split between a bilingual 6th grade classroom in Madison and a K-12 catholic girl's school in Ecuador. (Spanish was my other major.)  Despite my eclectic teaching experiences, technology has been a common thread that has propelled me forward in my career.  I have been highly motivated by the ways in which different software and hardware engage my students and enrich their educational experiences.  I also feel it is important to "keep up" with the Millennial Generation because they so familiar with and so stimulated by technology.  I also enjoy being somewhat of a pioneer and having a plethora of resources to share with my colleagues as well.

This year my husband and I plan to move to the U.S. where I will technically be "repatriating" and teaching in the U.S. school system for the first time!  I believe my experience in the MET program will help me stay competitive and ensure I am offering a top-notch education to my students in any school district.

This learning log will serve as a portfolio of my work as I progress throughout the program.  It will also allow others to identify with, challenge, or comment on my reflections and artifacts.  Thank you for your interest!


  1. What a fascinating history you have! I look forward to hearing more about your experiences and your views of technology based on your work experience in other countries.

  2. Erica,
    I really enjoyed your video and reading your learning log. You have had some truly interesting experiences. I think you will be an asset to any school back here in the States. We need more female role models teaching computer science and encouraging girls to enter the field.

  3. Hi Erica! I completely agree it is important to keep up with the current generations! I feel incredibly lucky to teach in a district that has Promethean Boards. Most of my lessons are on my ProBoard and I always add a bit of flair (through animated gifs) to keep my students interested.

  4. Hi Erica. You are now only the second person I have met from Bermuda.

  5. Your experiences and interest in educational technology will provide you with an interesting and never-ending journey, Erica. Thanks for the introduction and video and welcome to the course.
