Sunday, February 16, 2014

EdTech 541: Instructional Software in the Classroom

Instructional software is a hallmark of 21st century education, and is one way in which classrooms can become “cutting edge”.  Well-designed software can bring concepts to life, motivate learners, offer individual support, and encourage collaborative problem-solving.  Instructional software refers to any type of computer program that is specifically designed to deliver instruction or assist with a topic’s instructional delivery (Roblyer & Doering, 2013, p. 77), and includes drill-and-practice, tutorial, simulation, instructional games, and problem-solving functions. Many types of instructional software are in line with both constructivist and directed teaching styles, although drill-and-practice and tutorial programs are mostly in favor with the latter.  Overall they help students explore topics and encourage them to either generate their own knowledge or rehearse facts and skills.  Instructional software also assists the teacher due to its ability to monitor student performance, provide feedback, and include built-in aids allowing for individualized instruction. It can save time, money, and resources by replacing field trips, teaching materials, worksheets, and even supplemental teaching staff. 

Other benefits include:
Ø      Test preparation
Ø      Memorizing/automatizing low-level skills
Ø      Rehearsing problem-solving procedures
Ø      Supplement homework
Ø      Increased student involvement
Ø      Constant and immediate feedback
Ø      Personalized experiences
Ø      Efficient learning of complex tasks
Ø      Concentrate focus on essential components
Ø      Explore variables, play with time, repeat experiments
Ø      Entertaining and positive learning experiences
Ø      Making real-world connections

Please view my PREZI presentation
Instructional Software in the Classroom

Teachers should ensure that the software in use in their classroom is of a high quality, is in line with objectives, and has clear relatively advantage to traditional teaching materials.  Making a habit of evaluating software is important to ensure our students are learning from programs that are easy to use and have an efficient and effective purpose.  Before introducing a simulation, game, or tutorial in my classroom, I ensure I’ve worked through the program through the eyes of a student.  I don’t necessarily complete a formal review, but I do keep in mind issues of design, ability levels, directions, assessment, ease of use, and technical quality.  These websites suggest additional factors to consider when reviewing educational software for classroom use, and may help to create a more formal and habitual evaluation process and policy:

Evaluation Factors:  Within the Plan for Technology Implementation from Montague Area Public Schools, we can find a valuable set of suggested qualities that could be transformed into a checklist for software evaluation.  Teachers could collaborate to critique particular software in question, and come to consensus about a best product depending on the factors which include content, appropriateness, questioning techniques, motivation, creativity, learner control, objectives, feedback, modifiability, record-keeping, documentation/support, technical quality, start-up, hardware and peripherals.

How to Evaluate Software and Websites: Author Gregg B. Jackson offers tips for personal software evaluation as well as links to reliable evaluation guides and portals.  The criteria include content, ease of use, pedagogical strategies, standards-alignment, and impact evaluation. The resource list includes Children’s Software Review and the International Society for Technology in Education, an extensive searchable database.

In a similar way Warren Buckleitner discusses software examination practices in his 1999 article The State Of Children's Software Evaluation. Here we not only revisit some important questions to ask ourselves while reviewing software, but we also consider different categories of reviewing bodies.  For example, he describes the differences in the effectiveness of reviews from school districts, software/hardware industry, software catalogs, commercial magazines, trade group award programs, universities, independent experts, and non-profit organizations.  He compares their bias, depth, and up-to-date contributions.  The article briefly discusses the history of software evaluation, and concludes with a list of contemporary software reviewing bodies (as of 1999).

It is helpful for teachers to keep on top of new software developments or options by searching through independent company or organization reviews such as those that can be found at EducationWorld or  Although these may be limited in scope, they are typically peer-tested and peer-reviewed.  They are good place to start brainstorming when unit planning to get a feel for “what’s out there”.


Buckleitner, W. (1999). The State Of Children's Software Evaluation-- Yesterday, Today and in the 21st Century. Retrieved from

Jackson, G. B. (2000, May/June). How to Evaluate Educational Software and Websites. TechKnowLogia, 57-58. Retrieved from

Montague Area Public Schools. (n.d.) Appendix E. - Plan for Technology Implementation. Retrieved from

Roblyer, M. D., & Doering, A. H. (2013). Integrating educational technology into teaching. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon Publishers.

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